Work Authorization

All F-1 and J-1 students are permitted to work on-campus for a limited number of hours without additional authorization. Details on work, including off-campus work, can be found below:

For a complete list of Work Authorization forms, please look at our Request Forms page.

F-1 Work Authorization

F-1 students are only at eligible to work at GVSU without any additional immigration authorization as follows:

  • Maximum 20 hours per week during the regular semester (Fall & Winter semesters)
  • Maximum 40 hours per week during breaks (Spring Break, Winter Break, Spring/Summer semesters)

For information on work authorization off campus BEFORE graduation, visit CPT Information

For information on work authorization off campus AFTER graduation, visit OPT Information

J-1 Work Authorization

J-1 International Students are only eligible to work at GVSU and only during their studies.

Academic Training (AT) is work authorization for J-1 students after program completion. Some J-1 students may be eligible for AT after their program ends. Students should make an appointment in their last semester to discuss eligibility. To schedule an appointment please email

Page last modified June 6, 2023